If one or more of your student's grades are not syncing from Google Classroom, this page can help you fix this issue.

This issue is most commonly the result of the email address of the student in Beehively and Google Classroom being mismatched. If the student's email is not the same as their GSuite account, then it will not sync their grades.

Steps you should follow:

1. Go to G Suite and check the email address of the student and compare it with the one added in Beehively. The email address added in Beehively should be similar to the one available in G Suite.

2. If, in both places, the email address of the student is the same then go to the Classroom, click the Grades tab, then on the left side of the screen click the AutoSync is ON button > Sync Now. That will manually begin a sync between Google Classroom and Beehively.

3. If, in both places, the email address of the student is different, then go to the Administration menu and click People. Then, search for that student and click Edit. From the person edit screen, add the email address (the GSuite email address) in the email field for that student, and hit Save

Then, go to the Classroom, click the Grades tab, then on the left side of the screen click the AutoSync is ON button > Sync Now. That will manually begin a sync between Google Classroom and Beehively.