Did you know you can easily download Avery Mailing Labels right from the People section of Beehively? Here’s how!
Step 1: Access the People Section from the left side navigation menu.
Step 2: Use the search bar to filter your desired group of people (for example, use Type is Student to select all students), then hit Select All to select everyone or select individuals by checking the box next to their name
Step 3: Once your selection is ready, click Continue
Step 4: Under the Avery Mailing Labels option, select which format matches your desired labels from the side menu.
These three options will do the following things:
Print Mailing Labels
This option will generate a mailing label for each individual person you have selected.
Print Mailing Labels Per Student
This option will generate a mailing label for each student with their parent’s names attached. Household labels are generated by selecting students, do use this option please make sure you select students.
Print Mailing Labels Per Household
This option will generate a mailing label for each household using the names of the parents. Household labels are generated by selecting students, so to use this option please make sure you select students.
Step 5: Once you select one of these 3 options, just hit the Generate Labels in Avery button, which will take you to Avery Design and Print where you will be able to customize your labels for printing!
For more help on all the steps after that, please consult Avery’s Design and Print Help documentation at this link.
You can also access Avery's help modules by clicking on the "Help" button on the right-hand side of the top navigation bar in Avery.