To add people into your school, open the People section from the sidebar. If you are adding a large number of people, we recommend using our Bulk Add feature. If you are only adding a few people and want to add them individually, click the Add button near the top of the page. This will take you to the Person Edit Screen where you can fill out any important information for the new person.
First name, Last name, and Person Type are the only required fields, but if the person needs to be able to login then you should also enter in a username and password. If the new person is going to be using Google SSO or be linked to a Google Classroom then you will need enter their Google account email address in the Email/User Name field. If the new person is a student, make sure to add their primary homeroom. Parents are automatically added to their student's homeroom.
To connect students to their parents, you can either search for the parent's name on the student profile under where it says "Parents" or, you can search for the student's name on the parent profile under where it says "Students."