To edit or create new groups, go to the Classrooms/Groups menu under Administration.
Each Classroom/group page has the following properties:
Group Name
Exclude from schoolwide announcements
Class Teacher
Additional Staff
Additional members
Here are what each of these properties mean:
Group Name: Here you can add the name for your Classroom or Group.
Visibility: Here you can choose to make the group visible to all users, just members of the group (only visible to the members ), or hidden (only visible to staff).
Exclude from schoolwide announcements: This option lets you exclude users in this group from schoolwide announcements. NOTE: This only works if these users are not part of any other groups that do not have this option checked.
Class Teacher: You can add a class teacher by clicking on the “+” button under the Class Teacher section. When you click on that button a list of users in the school will appear on the right hand side bar. You can use the filter bar to find the staff member you would like to add as a class teacher and hit the blue “+” button to add them. Once you’ve made your selection, don't forget to press Save at the bottom of the page!
Additional Staff: In the case where there are multiple teachers or aides teaching in one particular classroom, you can add the other teachers as Additional Staff. To additional staff, you simply have to follow the same procedure outlined above for adding a class teacher.
Students: You can add students to the classroom with the same workflow as you would use to add class teachers and additional staff. Select a Grade from All drop down to filter by grade level. As soon as you select a grade, it will populate all the students in that grade. You can use the Add All and Remove All buttons to add entire groups of students.
Additional Members: You can make any member of the school part of the classroom, for example, principal, enrollment administrator, librarian. Etc. You can add them as additional members.
Note: The parents of the students added in the classroom will become the members of that group automatically so no need to add them as additional members.
Save Group: At the end of the classroom page, you can see Save group button, whenever you make any changes to the classroom, you have to press that to save the changes.
Deactivate Group: You can deactivate the classroom/group by pressing that button.
Reactivate Group: You can reactivate the deactivated classrooms/groups by pressing that button.