Using G Suite Admin to connect your G Suite to Beehively

This guide is a walkthrough of how to install the Beehively app in your G Suite, and add a user for the software to use to sync your drive to your Beehively.

Step 1: Install the Beehively app in your G Suite Admin panel

The Beehively G Suite app can be found here. You’ll need to install it from an administrative account.

To install, click “Domain Install”. A domain install will allow all users on your domain to use the integration.

After your install completes, you may be asked to configure Beehively, but you shouldn’t need to change anything!

Step 2: Add a user to G Suite

This user is used to help connect your Beehively and G Suite. The Beehively G Suite user can be added the same way any other users are added to G Suite. An example Beehively user addition is shown to the left!

You won’t need to log into this user, so feel free to select any secure password you’d like.

To work correctly, also needs to be given super administrative permissions. Permissions are granted through the permissions menu for the Beehively administrative user.

Note: No users or Beehively employees can log into this account.