Grades - Quick Tips and Tricks
Created by: Kyla Leacox
Modified on: Wed, 28 Oct, 2020 at 10:13 AM
Overview Screen
The overview screen acts as your editable web view of the report card. Here you can view or override the subject grade, and enter marks for each skill/standard. The subject grade is generated based on assignment scores, OR can be manually entered on this overview page. Click in the grade/mark box to pull up the scores from the selected grade definition.
Entering Assignments
From the subject page, select “New Assignment” Enter in the assignment details, select the maximum points and category Use item level scoring to grade by the number of items Use the bulk assign option to assign the same score to all students Add to Homework Calendar to also post this to your course Calendar
Adding and Removing Students
To remove students from this subject, click the minus sign next to their name from the “Students” tab Click Add students to select additional students from this class, or select a different class to add students from another homeroom. Click the plus sign to add the students Don’t forget to SAVE!
Categories and Weighting
Add the categories you use right to your subjects on the subject edit page. Use our predefined categories, or type in your own Use weights to adjust your grading by category, or just use the categories to sort assignments Assigning a weight tells the system how to weight the assignments in that category Weights must total 100
Kyla is the author of this solution article.
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