This article will show you, the Teacher, how to navigate to view, add feedback, and return student work!


In the side menu, you’ll see your Inbox right above your Classroom/Groups menu. The Inbox is your workspace to view student work, add feedback, return student work, or add work to the student’s portfolio. If you have any pending items in your Inbox, you will see a number badge on it indicating how many items are pending your review.


Viewing Student Work

In your Inbox you’ll see all of your student’s work. Work can be filtered by status. (All, Pending, Returned, Added to Portfolio, Deleted), the student that submitted the work, or the course or group it was submitted to.

At the top of the left-hand sidebar you’ll see radio buttons that let you filter by work status. Here are the different statuses that a student’s work can be:

  • All - This will show you all the work students have ever turned in.

  • Pending - This will show you all the work that students have turned in but is still waiting for teacher review.

  • Returned - This is work that a teacher has returned to a student to make changes to. 

  • Added to portfolio - This is work that has been approved and added to a student’s portfolio. 

  • Deleted -  Any student work that has been deleted. Students can only delete work before they submit it. Teachers are able to delete work at any time.

Adding Feedback to student work

To add feedback to a student’s work, select the work from the submission feed.

Click Add Feedback and the feedback editor will appear below.

From here, you can add any feedback you’d like. Add in text, emojis, links, etc. When complete, select either Add Feedback & Return to return the work to the student, or Add Feedback & Add to Portfolio to add the work to the student’s portfolio


Once Feedback has been added, you can return the work to the student for corrections or adjustments.

Once you click Add Feedback & Return, you will see this notification screen, letting you know your feedback was added and the work has been returned to the student. 

If you change your mind, you can undo the action by clicking Undo on the notification.

Add to Portfolio

Clicking Add Feedback & Add to Portfolio finalizes the work in the student’s portfolio and gives it the Added to Portfolio status. You can add work to a student’s portfolio without going through the step of adding feedback.

Again, if you change your mind, you can undo the action by clicking Undo on the notification.

Viewing logs of student work

As a teacher, you have the ability to view logs of all actions and changes made to a student’s work. On the work that you wish to view the logs for, click or tap the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner of the work sample.

After clicking the 3 dots, select ‘View Logs’.

You will then see the work sample history. Log entries are listed in chronological order, with the oldest at the top. 

Click ‘Done’ or the X in the top right-hand corner to return to your Inbox. 

Always feel free to contact Beehively Support with any questions at, or by clicking Need Help? in the sidebar.