Beehively allows you to sync assignment grades from Google Classroom to Beehively, so you can use everything you love about Google Classroom while still using Beehively’s robust report generation and SIS features!

NOTE: The Google Classroom / Beehively sync is one-way. Data entered in a linked Google Classroom is synchronized to its corresponding Beehively subject, where it will appear in your Classroom's gradebook. If you input assignment grades in Beehively, those changes will not be reflected in Google Classroom. 

Click below to quickly jump to any Step:

Step 1: Getting Set Up

To start using Google Classroom Sync, your school’s GSuite account will need to be linked to Beehively. This will require adding the Beehively App to your school GSuite account via Google Marketplace. 

  1. Install the Beehively App from the following Google Marketplace URL:

    Once installed, the Beehively app will show up under your Apps List (Apps > Marketplace Apps > Apps List)

  2. Next, you need to grant administrator privileges to the Beehively User. Log in to your GSuite admin console, add the user to your domain, and assign the pre-built in "Super Admin" role to this account. This ensures that the Google Classroom API can create classrooms for your teachers within your school domain.

  3. Once the previous two steps have been completed, please contact Beehively Support and provide the Name of the GSuite Domain for you Google Classroom. This record will be added to your school's account and will appear on your School Profile page (Administration > School Profile)

If you are an administrator, you can confirm this is set up by checking the School Profile page. If you see your GSuite domain under the GSuite section, you’re good to go!

You can also check if this is set up by looking for the Google G logo next to any user’s profile picture. If you see the Google G logo in the corner of the profile pictures of users that have GSuite email addresses, then you have GSuite set up for your school! If you don’t see these indicators, please contact Beehively support so we can set that up for you.

Step 2: Verifying GSuite Email Address

In order to use Google Classroom Sync, all users must have an associated GSuite email address; their Beehively email address must be the same as their Gmail account that is registered in the Google Classroom.

If you see the Google G logo in the corner of the profile pictures of these users, you’re good to go! 

If you do not see the Google Logo in the corner of the user's profile picture, you can add the user’s Gmail account as their primary email address through the People section (see How to People Search for further instructions)

Note: Users use the email address under their Email field to log in (whether using a password or Google Single Sign-on), so if you change this field from something else please note that the user will need to use the new address to log in in the future.

If you aren’t sure how to do this step please contact Beehively support and we will make sure your students all have their correct GSuite email addresses associated with their Beehively accounts.

Step 3: Enabling Sync

Once everything is set up, you are ready to enable the Google Classroom Sync for your school!

Navigate to the (Administration > School Settings) tab in your Beehively portal. Underneath the Features section, select the option "Allow teachers to enable classroom sync is:" (see screenshot below). 

This option will enable Google Classroom Sync for each Course in a Classroom, and will also display the Google Logo icons as noted in Step 2.

Step 4: Merging a Google Classroom with your Beehively Classroom

Now, when you navigate to the (Administration > Courses) page and select a Course from the selection menu, you will see a new section titled "Link This Subject To"

NOTEIf you do not see this section, it may be restricted based on your School Profile settings, or because your GSuite Account is not properly linked (see Step 1).

By checking the Google Classroom box, you will be prompted to either create a new Google Classroom, or to link an existing Google Classroom using the Google Classroom ID. For users setting up new Google Classrooms, a new Google Classroom will be generated and the Primary Teacher of the Course will be assigned as the Homeroom Teacher. 

The "Merge With Existing Classroom" checkbox allows you to connect the course to a Google Classroom that already exists. Just enter your existing Google Classroom’s unique 16 character identifier. You can find this ID attached to the end of the URL for your Google Classroom.

Once that is complete, you are free to start using the Google Classroom as you normally would.

When you return assignments, that data is pulled in to the associated Beehively subject, and can be viewed as you would any other assignment in Beehively. 

Step 5: Viewing Sync Logs & Troubleshooting

Now that you have successfully linked your Beehively Course to a Google Classroom, there is an easy method to verify that everything is working properly. 

In the Gradebook of any Classroom, when viewing the Synced Course, you will now see a new button labeled Auto Sync Settings with a Google Classroom icon. 

Auto Sync Settings allows you to either force a sync between the most current available data in Google Classroom, AND view the Sync Logs. The Sync Logs will detail the status of the synced data for all students. 

If you have any questions, or would like assistance setting up Google Classroom Sync, Beehively is here to help you! We would love to assist you in getting this set up for your entire school. Please contact Beehively support to speak to our Support team today!