Google classroom sync with Beehively has a new feature addition!! Now Teachers using Google Classroom to sync their grades to Beehively gradebook can also choose to sync their Google classroom assignment to Beehively homework calendar.
How this feature works
When creating assignments in Google classroom, ensure to add a Due date for your assignment. This will not only sync to the respective Beehively Gradebook but also create a Homework on the Beehively Calendar. Parents will be notified about the homework assigned as per the time set current for your school via email.
This will also reflect in the Google classroom logs
How to activate this feature
On the School Setting Under Administration there is a new setting as highlighted below that allows switching this ON. It is by default Turned OFF. Kindly note that this setting applies schoolwide, so all the teachers of the school using Google classroom will have Google classroom Assigned synced to their homework calendar as soon as this is turned on.
1. Why are my Assignments are not visible on Homework calendar?
- Assignment will reflect on homework only when the Beehively gradebook syncs happens from google classroom which currently happens automatically once in 24 hrs OR whenever you open your gradebook. But if you want to instantly sync your gradebook, there is an option to “Sync Now” which will sync the Gradebook from Google classroom and thereby also sync assignments to the Homework calendar.
- If your homework nor your assignment is not reflecting in Beehively, make sure that the "Due Date" is not blank in Google classroom.
- The Assignment should be "Assigned" status, so any assignment in Draft or Scheduled status in Google classroom will not reflect in Beehively.
2. My changes to homework in Beehively are not saving
Since Google Classroom Sync is a one way sync feature, so only changes from Google classroom will sync to Beehively. Any changes made in Beehively homework calendar will get overridden by things that are syncing from Google classroom Assignment.
So if you need to delete such a homework, it needs to be deleted first in google classroom. Also currently Assignment Title, Due date are the two fields supported by Google Classroom to sync to Beehively.
If you have any questions or would like assistance setting up Google Classroom Sync, Beehively is here to help you! We would love to assist you in getting this set up for your entire school. Please contact Beehively support to speak to our Support team today!